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"Through the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, a project will be implemented in Kuala Belalong called 'Outward Bound School'.

Its purpose is to enable youth to develop physical endurance and mental stability and to equip themselves with courage and patience, disciplined, self-reliant and responsible and able to adapt to any situation in life "

His Highness the Sultan of Hajj Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni AlMarhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, the Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Brunei Darussalam in conjunction with His 47th Anniversary of His Highness in Temburong District on July 22, 1993

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Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam

Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam (OBBD) is a Government organization under the of Ministry Culture, Youth and Sports. It is a unique educational center dedicated to helping diverse communities, especially youth in cultivating, developing and reinforcing aspects of their values ​​and personality traits through the concept of "Experiential Learning" and "Outdoor Adventure Education"


The main function of this center is to provide, operate and run a variety of courses through the residential (at OBBD Temburong) And Non-Residential/Mobile Program (outside OBBD centre) through"Experiential learning" and "Outdoor Adventure Education" method (implemented at Temburong OBBD training center) and mobile/mobile (implemented outside of Temburong OBBD training center) within a range of 01-14 days. The program is aimed to cater two categories, the "Junior OBBD" Program for children ages 8-14 and the Youth/Adult Program, for those aged 15-45.


To become an internationally recognized Outward Bound center


Helping diverse communities, especially youth in cultivating, developing and reinforcing aspects of their values ​​and personality traits through the concept of "Experiential Learning" and "Adventure Outdoor Education"

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